Your development is essential to the results you desire.

Every day more and more people are
hiring a Coach, because it works.

The dynamic partnership is completely focused on you, so you achieve the progress you seek.

Why Coaching Works

  • Awareness is the cornerstone of development. With the help of a Coach, you discover what’s helping or hindering your progress. With this awareness, you’re able to make wise decisions for your change.

  • When confused or uncomfortable you may defer to others for answers, sometimes at the detriment of your own wellness. Coaching minimizes uncertainty, doubt, and fear. You’re empowered to advocate for your needs and place boundaries where necessary. Confidence begets confidence.

  • You’re more likely to be flexible and tolerate stressors when you feel well supported. Burnout and despair is much less likely within a Coaching partnership’s structure of ongoing encouragement and direct feedback.

  • With the varying demands of life, you may find yourself out of sync with your values. Coaching provides the safe space to clarify your values and facilitate the alignment of your actions.

  • Having dependable sessions on the calendar influences how you operate between our calls. You’ll notice you’re accomplishing more and experiencing growth more quickly. We regularly check in on progress towards action items you identified in the previous session.

  • External stressors hit every day. Immediate feedback in Coaching helps improve the ability to respond thoughtfully rather than react rashly. It positively impacts your mental health when you respond to the triggers of life in alignment with your values.

Accelerate your clarity with Coaching.

The acceleration I experienced when partnering with a Coach is a huge part of why I fell in love with this profession. After 8 years of studying, living, and working in Minnesota, I felt the tug on my heart to move back to Kansas. Attached to the idea of impending change were several complicated questions and feelings:

  • “Is it too risky?”

  • “What if I make a mistake?”

  • “Am I smart enough to start a business?”
    And many others…

I began working with a Certified Coach and was blown away by the clarity and momentum made in three short months. The increased self-awareness about my values led me to greater intentional action to make the move across the Midwest. There were still many questions and a bit of fear, but I was clear on what I was moving towards; that made all the difference. I’m deeply grateful I didn’t stay stuck on that tightrope of indecision as I would have missed out on precious time with beloved family.

Lumina was launched in May of 2016 out of a desire to share this gift of Coaching with others. Lumina means “To Bring Light To”, serving as a reminder to myself to share my light, and a calling to support others in finding theirs.

University of St. Thomas
BA in Psychology

Coach U
Core Essentials Program

International Coaching Federation
Associate Certified Coach

Get to the heart.

Facts over assumptions.

Faith over fear.

Confidence over uncertainty.