Poppin’ Bottles - Happy 4 Years Lumina!

Let's celebrate!  Four years ago I moved from the Twin Cities down to Kansas City and launched this business.  As each year goes by I find myself making plenty of mistakes yet exploring more opportunities, growing in confidence, and deepening awareness. Each year I am even more certain this is where I'm supposed to be and it feels SO GOOD.  

I'm pleased to share the interview below recorded just yesterday as a part of the ICF Heartland chapter participating in #InternationalCoachingWeek. It was fun to be on the other side of the interview answering questions about my practice, philosophy, and passion for this profession. I'd love for you to check it out!

(Note to self: Airpods pick up so much noise! (enter facepalm here) my apologies for the noisy wind and road at times.)


Ep #6 - Pam Thomas


Ep #5 - Ben Katzner