What Does Expansion Look Like

Like many of you, the year has been full of unexpected turns. Today actually marks day 11 of my COVID experience. My symptoms have greatly lessened from the first few days (Thank the Good Lord) and I have until mid-week next week until I can break free from quarantine.

It got me thinking about my word for the year - EXPANSION.

Seems like an oxymoron at first glance. How in the world am I going to expand when my world just completely closed in? No yoga studio, no time with friends, no family dinners, no walks to the coffee shop, not trips to the grocery store, etc.

I immediately thought of what internal postures I may want to expand. I chose this word for 2020 as an invitation to  s t r e t c h  myself.

As a worldwide family we have most definitely been stretched. The challenges have piled up and there’s a collective sign when we reflect on the shocking hardships and chaos of the year.  Yet, who here can most definitely recognize growth? I’m reminded of Russ Lane’s podcast episode in which he says, “When I’m in the valley, I’m growing.”

I gottta admit, COVID feels like a stinkin' valley.  The pandemic as a whole, of course, and also the staying at home, by my lonesome, spending more time resting than I probably have the entire year.

And yet, I can choose to stretch and expand...

  • Expand my patience with my body and recovery - not rushing back into exercise or expecting too much of myself in having to bounce back quick.

  • Expand my thoughtfulness towards others who have been living in solitude or isolation all these months. I think of my 4 grandparents who are all in their mid-80s and everything they’ve endured and overcome in their lives…and now the separation from so many they love for the sake of their health. A very difficult trade-off they didn’t want to have to choose. I’m immediately humbled by their resilience and resolve to keep going. (And love and miss them very much!!)

  • Expand my creativity with work projects and development. To stretch outwards – physically, creatively, emotionally – one must have the wiggle room to do so. We know the research links between boredom and creativity. Often we have so much jam packed into our days and minds it’s incredible new ideas are ever able to percolate. I’ve chosen to take this space in my calendar and brain as a gift. With anticipation of new pathways that can emerge and ideas poised to spark.

As I posted on my LinkedIn recently, after Halloween, the time goes FAST before we are ringing in the New Year.  I encourage you to take a beat and think about how you want to engage with the present these last weeks of 2020.


Tribute to My Sister, Kimber - and 2021 Word


Ep #8 - Dr. David Gulledge